May 16, 2024
April 13, 2024
2024 PST Thesis Abstracts Now Available
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Alumni Corner
Over 600 alumni and every year 18-20 new graduates are added! After leaving UVA they have engaged in a remarkable number and variety of occupations in a remarkable number of places. Their paths in life attest not only to their own intelligence, creativity, and energy but also to the value of the Program.

PST Students and Recent Graduate in the News
Three University of Virginia scholars – all with ties to the University’s political and social thought program – have earned Marshall Scholarships, paying their way for graduate study in the United Kingdom.

Jamelle Bouie, a 2009 graduate of the University who majored in Political and Social Thought and Government, has recently joined the New York Times as a regular columnist on its Op-Ed page
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Jamelle Bouie, a 2009 graduate of the University who majored in Political and Social Thought and Government, has recently joined the ssr节点购买网址as a regular columnist on its Op-Ed page. Jamelle has also been a Research Associate of the PST program.
Here's the announcement made the the Times's editors:
Thanks to a Thrive Grant from the Provost's Office, students in the Political and Social Thought Program traveled to the National Museum of African-American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. on Saturday April 13, 2024.
The visit coincided with a series of third-year seminar readings from major authors like W.E.B. Du Bois, Ralph Ellison, Martin Luther King, and Toni Morrison.
Students described the vist in these terms:
Please click this link to see the pre-recorded Diploma Ceremony.
Three University of Virginia scholars – all with ties to the University’s political and social thought program – have earned Marshall Scholarships, paying their way for graduate study in the United Kingdom.
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